3 Year Old Kinder
(3-4 Years)
Our 3 year-old Kindergarten room is catered for ages 3 years-old to 4 years-old. The 3 year-old Kindergarten room has a maximum of 22 children each day.
The 3 year-old Kindergarten is taught by a bachelor qualified educator and assisted by a qualified educator. This room is 1:11 ratio educator to children.
Our 3 year-old Kindergarten program at Endeavour Hills Early Learning Center focuses on group experience that develop social and emotional skill, as well as children’s individual developmental needs such as physical and cognitive.
Parents have access to observations, learning stories and developmental milestones throughout the year via our internal centre app called ‘Storypark’.
Our 3-year-old Kindergarten room is an insight to children preparing for 4-year-old Kindergarten.
3 year-old Kindergarten takes part in Bush Kinder each week, Yoga program provided by Hey Dee Ho and ‘Sports 4 Kinder’s with a qualified sport educator as well as centre incursions each term.